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Goal 4: Ideas from the community

Page history last edited by jlohmann@... 15 years, 5 months ago

Here are some of the ideas suggested by the community to make Durham County Libraries better able to promote Durham's cultural heritage.  Check out the details of Goal 4 on the Goal 4 page.  Please add your own suggestions!


1.  Provides free meeting space for writing groups.

2.  Durham prides itself on being a city of knowledge and technology and medicine. It seems to define the word "diverse" . But more so Durham hosts a vibrant arts community that spans from high school students, to university faculty and students, to an ever increasing number of professionals and amature artists. The continued openings of new galleries and well attended showings is just one sign. What Durham lacks is a great educational and reference resource for artists and those interested in the arts.

So how possible is it to imagine Durham with a sort of facility like the Balch Art Research Library in LA or the Metropolitan Museum of Art's research libraries in NYC? How difficult would it be to coordinate with UNC's Sloan Library and the Lyons Design library at State and the NC Museum of Art reference library? What else should I be asking?(Jlo--see the full post at Durham's Art Library).

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