
Goal 3

Page history last edited by jlohmann@... 15 years, 5 months ago

The library is a leader in providing Durham's citizens with information technology resources necessary for academic, business, social networking and leisure activities.


Goal Champions: Aftab Ahmed and Jennifer Lohmann


3.1:  By 6/30/09, average computer wait time will have been reduced to 10 minutes.


3.2:  By 6/30/09, 80% of those library customers needing/desiring training receive it.


3.3:  By 6/30/09, 25% of people attending programs will do so virtually via an e-learning technology such as podcasts, streaming video, or purchased content.


3.4: By 6/30/09, all staff will have core competencies in technology-related communications, as well as PC- and Web-based applications.



Comments from the public:


Jennifer and Autumn's updated presentation on Social Networking


Social Networking.ppt

social networking resources.doc


Comments (1)

Anonymous said

at 1:53 pm on Sep 18, 2007

You guys are doing a great job!

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