This wiki has been retired. You can follow our strategic plan on our website http://www.durhamcountylibrary.org/strategic_plan.php. We are leaving the wiki up as a historical snapshot of a time in Durham County Library history. If you have questions, please email me (Jennifer Lohmann, wiki administrator).
How are we doing?
Durham County Library is in the midst of a major transformation into a customer-focused library system. We call our transformation “Saying ‘Yes’ to the Community” and have built our strategic plan around that idea. As we created the strategic plan with your help, we would like to continue to get your input in its implementation. Please read over our plan and continue to comment, post your pictures and add suggestions to the wiki. A pbwiki account is required, but is easy to get. Email me if you have questions.
Saying “Yes” to the Community: Durham Builds a Customer-Centered Library
Honoring the Past Acknowledging the Present Building the Future
We have seven goals, a few dozen objectives,and numerous strategies to accomplish these goals as we strive to become the best library system in America.
Goal 1: The library is a customer-centered and welcoming place for the entire Durham community.
Goal 1: Ideas from the community (please submit your ideas to make the library customer-centered here)
Goal 1: What we are working on (read about what we are working on here)
Goal 2: The library supports family literacy by preparing children to succeed in school and by helping teens develop the skills they need to become productive and well-informed citizens.
Goal 2: Ideas from the community (please submit your ideas to help the library better support family literacy here)
Goal2: What we are working on (read about what we are working on here)
Goal 3: The library is a leader in providing Durham's citizens with information technology resources necessary for academic, business, social networking and leisure activities.
Goal 3: Ideas from the community (please submit your ideas to help the library better provide information technology here)
Goal 3: What we are working on (read about what we are working on here)
Goal 4: The library embraces and promotes Durham's cultural heritage, thereby contributing to a vibrant community.
Goal 4: Ideas from the community (please submit your ideas to help the library better promote Durham's cultural heritage here)
Goal 4: What we are working on (read about what we are working on here)
Goal 5: The library's facilities support the strategic plan.
Goal 5: Ideas from the community (please submit your ideas to help the library improve its facilities here)
Goal 5: What we are working on (read about what we are working on here)
Goal 6: The library's collections support the strategic plan.
Goal 6: Ideas from the community (please submit your ideas to help the library improve its collection services here)
Goal 6: What we are working on (read about what we are working on here)
Goal 7: The library's human resources support the strategic plan.
Goal 7: Ideas from the community (please submit your ideas to help the library improve its human resources here)
Goal 7: What we are working on (read about what we are working on here)
This wiki will continue to be a place for updates about Durham County Library's strategic planning process. Check back to see updates on what we ideas we have, what we are working on now, and what we've completed. Celebrate our success and help us learn from those things that didn't succeed as well as we would have liked.
If you have questions about the libraries, this planning project, or this wiki, feel free to contact me at sauld@durhamcountync.gov or 919-560-0160.
Skip Auld
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Comments (7)
Anonymous said
at 11:08 am on Mar 30, 2007
It would be great in the future, to have a children/teen center/bookstore/cafe complex.
Anonymous said
at 9:18 am on Apr 12, 2007
It's a shame the Bulls let that first game slip away.
Anonymous said
at 2:59 pm on Apr 19, 2007
It would be awesome if the library had more DVDs that are circulateable, especially more anime DVDs.
Anonymous said
at 2:00 pm on Apr 23, 2007
It would be great if we had more DVDs. Check out the "Other Research" page to see a story about a library system using NetFlix to get more specialized DVDs for people who request them.
Anonymous said
at 4:16 pm on Oct 30, 2007
Comment from Eve Tallman: "The link to your library's strategic planning page is very helpful. You may know that I just left the Moab library to head the Mesa County Public Library District, in Grand Junction, Colorado. Grand Junction is the nearest city to Moab and is across the state line. This district is "huge" compared to Moab (service area of 130,000 persons, several branches, etc.) and the new strategic plan is one of the "front burner" issues as I come aboard.
I'll be attending the PLA strategic planning "boot camp" later this month. Your library's transparent planning pages and your clear mission to be a great library are very inspiring to me!"
Anonymous said
at 10:53 pm on Jan 20, 2008
Congratulations! This comprehensive, all inclusive, forward-thinking, customer and future driven strategic plan is to be commended, and should be used (open source wiki, staff and community input!) as a model for other library systems. Excellent job DCL staff and Director!
J. Mitchell_Librarian
Berkeley Public Library
Berkeley, CA
Anonymous said
at 6:49 pm on Sep 29, 2008
I agree, it would be nice to get more dvds <a href="http://commentdraguerunefille.com" title="Comment Draguer Les Filles">:) </a>
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