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Acceptable Use Guidelines

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 6 months ago


 Acceptable Use Guidelines for Durham County Library Strategic Plan Wiki


Wikis are shared workspaces in which author and editing rights are given to a large number of people.  The purpose of these Guidelines is to offer a reasonable basic framework in which everyone can agree to work.





  1. The purpose of this wiki is to harness the collective wisdom of all those interested in creating the future of the Durham County Library, and to allow planners to work transparently. Questions and disagreements are expected and encouraged, but users are expected to be respectful of others.  Those with authoring and moderating privileges may remove any posting that in their judgment constitutes promotion of ideologies, potentially libellous statements, or any statement or assertion which may embarass or hurt the feelings or reputation of others.
  2. Topics must be relevant to the overall work of the Durham County Library strategic plan.
  3. Proper reference and attribution must be given to the work of others.
  4. When possible, hyperlinks to original sources should be provided.
  5. Any user with author/editing rights to this wiki should feel free to undertake even major revisions to a wiki page if they believe they are adding further value to work of others. When significant changes are made to a wiki page and the original author of the page is known, the original author should be notified of the change by the reviser. Registered users of this wiki may of course also set their personal preferences page to automatically notify them of any changes.
  6. The material in this wiki is offered on a Creative Commons Attribution and Share-alike basis with attribution being stated as 'Durham County Library Strategic Plan Wiki.'  Copyright works should not be submitted without permission.
  7. Registration details must remain confidential to the individual holding a wiki account and must not be shared with any other individual.


Adapted from the Acceptable Use Policy of the Higher Education Academy, UK, for its BenchmarkWiki.

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